Targeted Access to Highly Skilled Candidates

EuroJobsites provides job board services for recruiters seeking professional candidates across Europe.

EuroJobsites specialises in:

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) including pharma and energy.
  • European Affairs (Brussels, EU) and International Relations including policy, law and economics.

Our Clients



European Stability Mechanism

We post a number of High visibility Job Ads on EuroBrussels and are very happy with the service. We choose EuroBrussels for our recruitment needs, as we require candidates with a strong EU background.

Amandine Baumann

Recruitment and Development Officer, European Stability Mechanism

EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

The visibility offered by EuroScienceJobs allowed us to get a variety of candidates. We are very pleased with the results.

Christine Vuichoud

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

European Social Network

We had a huge response from the Eurobrussels website, receiving some 200 applications for our Communications Officer position in Brighton. Using “Pre-selection Questions” is a great time saver too. Many thanks!

Alice Birch

PA to Chief Executive, European Social Network

EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory

We find EuroScienceJobs very useful...The application part which is quite satisfying I would like to point out your very useful, fast and quality customer service. Posting goes easy and fast and all requested information are delivered in a short notice.

Matija Grgurinovic

EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Thank you very much for providing us with such impressive statistics! We will use them in our recruitment process analysis for the past year. We actually recruited a very fine professional to fill the post. We always receive many quality applications in response to our job vacancies quoting EuroBrussels, a great service to Minority Rights Group International.

Marusca Perazzi

Directorate Minority Rights Group International

EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory

I often advise multinationals within High Tech, Chemical and Manufacturing industries to use EuroEngineerJobs to source highly qualified engineers. During the past 6 months I've successfully used EuroEngineerJobs for positions such as Process Safety Engineer, Support Engineer, Chemical Engineer and Lean Engineer. Despite complex job profiles and the scarcity of the target audience we were able to generate good resumes.

Senior Consultant

VONQ - Online media company, March 2012

Reach the audience you want

High Visibility Job Ad

A High Visibility Job Ad will maximize the exposure of your vacancy and increases your chances of finding the best candidate for your position.

CV Candidate Boost

The EuroJobsites CV Database is the most focused tool to recruit professionals, saving you time and money by avoiding unsuitable applications and allowing you to find the most qualified candidates for your vacancies with minimal effort.

Pre-selection Questions

At pre-selection we help you ask the right questions to find the right people. Unsuitable candidates are filtered out. You'll save both time and money when recruiting.

Applicant Tracker (ATS)

This Applicant Tracking System (ATS) allows you to log in to your account and browse the CVs and sort them in terms of suitability.

Anonymised Ad and Email Inbox

With the EuroJobsites anonymised email you get an email address: and a personalised inbox. This keeps your vacancy anonymous and gives you all the applications in one well-organised, separate inbox.

Why Advertise with us?


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Advertising Options

Website Banner Adverts

Website Banner Adverts

  • Extremely targeted and very high visibility
  • Reach out to and connect with multiple niche audiences
  • The most visible advertising option
  • Customised packages with great discounts available
Education & Courses

Education & Courses Section

  • Advertise Political Masters, Executive Courses, LL.Ms & MBAs
  • A young, internationally mobile and career focused audience
  • Used by many top tier universities from both in and outside Europe
  • Low cost and extremely effective advertising
Newsletter Banners

Newsletter Banners

  • Targeted messages delivered directly readers' inboxes
  • 100% Share of views
  • Niche newsletters for a very focused advertising
  • Very high opening rates